Recommendation as a Service

A managed recommender unlocks business agility with recommendation diversity

Fully Managed AI Recommender

KKRaaS is a one-stop solution for marketing team in media, e-commerce, retail, and content publishing sectors. Our solution boosts the personalized experience by offering APIs and web console to select scenario-specific algorithms (including Amazon Personalize) and manipulates AI results for business requirement

KKRaaS + Amazon Personalize -
Maximize the Effectiveness

Adaptive Algorithms

KKRaaS can mix different algorithms to achieve recommendation optimization based on service scale and data characteristics.

Data Preparation

KKRaaS can customize ETL in line with Amazon Personalize requirements, minimizing the human resources required for introduction.

RaaS Architecture


Customized Recommendation Results
Customized Recommendation
Implement business logic to meet objectives, improving recommendation performance by 90% 
Flexible Business Logic
Flexible Business Logic
Povide 10 different algorithms, thus reducing the effect of user behavior bias caused by the singularity of recommendation.
Hidden User Groups Exploration
Hidden User Groups Exploration
Identify potential user groups based on user and product attributes from diverse sources